Tuesday, October 8, 2013

De Stijl

De Stijl (Dutch = 'style') was mainly a Dutch art movement and group of artists, which was founded in 1917 in Leiden Netherlands, painter and architect Theo van Doesburg. A prominent member of the group was a painter Piet Mondrian.
Group on the 1920's and broke in Van Doesburg's death in 1931. Painting was based on the first neoplastisismille of Neo-Plasticism, later elementarismille. De Stijl in favor of basic shapes, cubes, in particular, the vertical and horizontal directions. In his essay Neo-Plasticism (1920) Piet Mondrian argued that abstract art is the best indicator spiritual values​​. It seemed to functionalism and modernism.
Within the group was also published in the magazine De Stijl, which began to appear in 1917.

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