Monday, October 7, 2013


The functionalism of modernist means , the architecture and the art industry, concentrated style. In general, the rational style of architecture has been referred to as the International Style , which in the Nordic region known as functionalism.

Time, place, and the resulting context ?
Especially in Central Europe , the Nordic countries and the Soviet Union flourished functionality is generally scheduled for the years 1925 to 1935 . Germany and the Soviet Union style began to oppose the political conditions of the 1930s , but the rest of the ideas were continued for some time after the heyday of the season . This trend was inspired by the desire to be released from the earlier tradition of architecture .

Major efforts ?
Functionalism an effort to adhere to the idea , which the shape of the building due to its intended use and function , as well as the logical structure of the material.

Topics ?
Functionalism consisted primarily of geometric shapes ideal .

Stylistic and technical characteristics ?
Functionalism were characterized by the reduction and the rejection of ornamentation . The trend of relying on the idea that the buildings had to be only those necessary elements . Functionalism favored for flat roofs , whitewashed smooth wall surfaces and supporting the walls instead of the support frames , which allowed for example, the use of ribbon windows . Building interiors were often open , and the inner walls of the referral. Residential buildings was to light and airiness, a result of which they are often placed in a free environment. Closed block opposition . Urban design focused on the zone of thinking, according to which , eg residential and industrial areas separated from each other.

Influences & role models ?
Functionalism development was influenced by art nouveau architecture , in combination with an advanced steel construction company focusing on the trend, which for example, can be increased to Louis Sullivan's buildings , as well as functionalism pioneers calculated in the early 1900s modern architecture influences: De Stilj Group , Frank Lloyd Wright, Adolf Meyer, Walter Gropius ( Bauhaus ) and Le Corbusier .

The subsequent role ?
Functionality was strongly influenced by particular industrial art and interior design . Sometimes, functionalist architecture was also badly. In particular, the flat roofs are often formed by future generations of impractical solutions.

Fine ?
Functionalism did not show the actual visual art.

Major artists ?
Johannes Duiker (1890-1935)

Hannes Meyer (1889-1954)

Hugo Häring (1882-1958)

Hans Scharoun (1893-1972)

Alvar Aalto (1898-1976)

Aldo van Eyck (1918-1999)

Ralph Erskine ( s.1914 )

A key example of the work ?
Alvar Aalto: Paimio Sanatorium (1932).

The historical parallels ?
1925 : Scopes Trial: Tennessee prohibiting the teaching of evolution .

1935 : Persia changed its name to Iran .

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