Monday, October 7, 2013

Modern Architecture pt1

Modernism is a series of various artistic fields, trying to reach the renewal of

cultural movements, including many of the early 1900's that started on trends in art ,

architecture , design , music, literature , dance and theater. Modernist trends

rebelled against the late 1800's academic, Historicist , and the conservative

traditions .
Although the word is singular, modernism is not a uniform style . It is not a single

art "ism " , but it contains a number of different art trends , styles and art forms

that were born in the years of modernization at different times , sometimes

simultaneously , sometimes sequentially. Some of modernist styles such as

expressionism and minimalism are opposites and contradictory relationship with them .

Some of the trends of modernism were born and developed in the confrontation between

the starting points , but others also increased co-operation and mutual reinforcement

between marks.
Other researchers share the 1900s to modern and post-modern eras , when some do

consider it a larger part of the same period . Modernism , the word began to be used

since the 1970s in particular, as opposed to postmodernism , which rose to challenge

modernism .

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