Monday, October 7, 2013

Modern Architecture pt2

Modernism is the modern world and the life of art and culture. Action strategy is

often thought of an avant-garde art , avant-garde. The revolutionary modernism, both

in the social and artistic movements often expressed kannattamiaan manifestation of

the principles and ideas , which are usually written statements . Modernism was

characterized by rejection of tradition . Manifests , and the attitudes of the former,

the "old " world or compete with art groups condemned , and often sought to completely

" clean ", " new " and her original form and meaning of the world. Viewed as old

attitudes, forms and structures sought to disperse or dissolve . Modernism was to arts

Modernist view, traditional art , literature , society and way of life were so out of

date that they had to be brushed aside and come up with the culture again. Modernism

appreciated the new and that it is good and beautiful. This modernist exemplary

implementation of the campaign in the arts went hand in hand with modernization , and

it was reflected in the Second World War , especially in developing countries, such as

South America or Asia.
Modernism was cast in the power of faith in the idea of ​​technological progress.

Modernism sparked sometimes utopian dreams . According to a Latin American abstract

art of the exhibition entitled " Geometry of Hope " .
While modernism and modern kiss was a lot to artists , including Modernist criticism

began after World War II . A number of trends in art , especially from the 1960s

onwards were often opposing modernism , or antimodernistisia . They criticized one way

or another formalistic aesthetics and modernity .

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